Sunday, August 7, 2022

Chapter 69-71 Ouroboros Record

Hi all, chapter 69, 70, 71 are here!

Chapter 069: Provocateur
Chapter 070: Battle of Clavicule 1
Chapter 071: Battle of Clavicule 2

As always, thank you for reading! I apologise for the slight delay in releasing! Please enjoy the bulk release.


  1. Ohhh!! Yesss!! Thank you for the awesome bulk release!!
    Thank you for the amazing translations! Yami!!
    I don't even care about the delay!

  2. Amazing, I'm super happy. Thanks for all your hard work. I love when plans go awry, but Tullius has enough leeway to resolve any issue. I can't wait for what comes next.


© yAmi Translations
Maira Gall